Who are the Verderers…

The Court consists of 5 Elected Verderers & 5 Appointed Verderers

verderers court

The Verderers Court

Evidence from the 13th century indicates that the Verderers were originally a court within the Forest, authorised by the Crown and elected by the County. They sat to hear cases of offences within the Sovereign’s Forest. They could deal with minor offences directly (by fines) but more serious cases were referred to higher courts – ultimately the Forest Eyre.

Verderers Leaflet
verderers court

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Members of the Court

The members of the Verderers’ Court and their Declarations of Interest (DoI) are:

Edward Heron Official Verderer DoI

Mr. Richard Deakin Elected Verderer DoI
Miss. Kay Harrison Elected Verderer DoI
Mr. Anthory Pasmore Elected Verderer DoI
Mr. Robert Stride Elected Verderer DoI
Miss. Alison Tilbury Elected Verderer DoI

Mr Clive Chatters Appointed Natural England Verderer DoI
Mr. Mark Gammon Appointed Forestry Commission Verderer DoI
Mr. Richard Manley Appointed DEFRA Verderer DoI
Miss Ann Sevier MBE Appointed National Park Verderer DoI

Verderers Court

Court Dates

The Court meets in ‘Open Court’ normally on the third Wednesday of each month (and Committee-only in December). The public may address the Verderers on any matter relevant to the management of the New Forest and subject to the Court Regulations see our resources.

Court Dates
verderers of the new forest

Memorandum of Understanding Between Forestry Commission & Verderers

In carrying out their statutory role as managers of the New Forest, the Forestry Commission are constrained by the existence of rights of common. However, these rights are subject to the Forestry Commissions’ statutory powers. The Commission have power, amongst other things, to authorise the use of land in the New Forest for the purpose of recreation and the appropriation of land.

Memorandum of Understanding
role of the verderers

Other Resources


Download the Verderers’ accounts for the year ending 31st March 2024

Tranquility in the Forest Policy

The Verderers’ policy on Tranquility in the New Forest is available for download

Court Minutes

The minutes of the Verderers’ Court are available from 2021 to the present. The Court does not usually sit in August. Link to Resource library

Ministers Mandate

Download the Ministers Mandate here

Regulations of the Court

Regulations of The Verderers of the New Forest Relating to the Courts of Swainmote for the Dispatch of Administrative and Judical Business as Provided for in Section 24 of The New Forest Act 1877 as amended. Link to Resource library

verderers of the new forest

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