Animal Accident & Welfare

Animal Accident & Animal Welfare

The Agisters monitor the condition of stock in the Forest. The Verderers, in conjunction with various welfare organisations, set a condition standard below which the condition of an animal must not fall. The Agisters may remove such animals from the Open Forest and the owners must take steps to improve the animal’s condition.

If you see an animal which looks ill, is injured, or in distress you should report it as soon as possible, giving: a clear description of the animal, what you think may be wrong with it, where you saw it and at what time. During working hours you should telephone the Verderers’ Office on 02380 282052. If you are unable to obtain a reply then try Forestry England on 0300 0674600. The Forestry England line is answered 24 hours a day. If you don’t get an answer from either of these numbers and the situation is urgent, please call the Police on either 999 or 101 and ask them to contact an Agister.

Have you seen, or been involved in, an RTA with a Forest animal?: Dial 999.

Do not use email or the web contact form to contact the Verderers in an emergency.

If you are involved in, or witness, a road traffic accident in which a vehicle collides with a pony, cow, donkey, pig or sheep, you must telephone the Police on 999 or Forestry England on 0300 067 4600 (24 hours) at the earliest opportunity. Even if you think the animal is uninjured, you must report the accident. Animals often appear unhurt but in fact may have serious internal injuries. The Agisters will always do their best to find animals which have been involved in a collision with a vehicle.

Incidents involving deer (which are classed as wild animals) should be reported to the Forestry England or if unavailable, to the Police.

Motorists are rarely prosecuted for injuring or killing an animal unless they fail to report the accident. Hit and Run accidents are taken extremely seriously and drivers who are subsequently identified, will be prosecuted.

Report an Incident

Report Road Traffic incident involving Forest stock call 999. For sick, injured or dead Forest stock call 02380 282052 (normal office hours) or 0300 067 4600 (outside office hrs).

Report an Incident