Verderers oversee Commoning…

Our primary objective is to regulate and protect the commoners interests and preserve the natural beauty and character of the Forest…

Verderers of the New Forest

Report an Incident

Report Road Traffic incident involving Forest stock call 999. For sick, injured or dead Forest stock call 02380 282052 (normal office hours) or 0300 067 4600 (outside office hrs).

Report an Incident

Who are the Verderers

The Court of Verderers is a corporate body set up under the New Forest Act of 1877. It is the last remnant of the old form of Forest government which was at one time found in many parts of the country.

The Verderers are charged with regulating commoning on the Forest and inquiring into unlawful inclosures. Subsequent Acts have added to the Verderers’ powers and they now have wide responsibilities in respect of development control and conservation.

Please refer to our leaflets for further info:

The Verderers
who are the verderers

The Role of the Verderers

Protect and regulate the New Forest’s unique agricultural commoning practices;

  • Conserve it’s traditional landscape, wildlife and aesthetic character, including it’s flora and fauna
  • Peacefulness, natural beauty and cultural heritage
  • Safeguard a viable future for commoning upon which the foregoing depends
role of the verderers